A welcome from Tumi

Welcome to my pages, I am thrilled that you are here reading my pages. I hope to share a journey through life with you, to inspire and to guide you. I will be sharing my experiences with you through my words and videos.

Please write your comments on my pages so we can all share together.

Please select the link underneath the message below to subscribe to my updates which will appear on Monday and Thursday mornings. Thank you.

Monday 14 February 2011

A week to enjoy

Hi, Tumi here, thank you again for visiting my pages.

Firstly I would like to wish you all a happy Valentine's Day! This should be a week to enjoy, so do something special with your loved ones, whether that's a partner, family member or a dear friend.

We're busy with our US tour, meeting lots of amazing people and enjoying lots of opportunities to share, so please forgive me for a shortness of my words today. We're also making final plans for the UK visit in April, so as they say, please watch this space!

Have an amazing week, and enjoy Valentines.

Regards, Tumi.

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