A welcome from Tumi

Welcome to my pages, I am thrilled that you are here reading my pages. I hope to share a journey through life with you, to inspire and to guide you. I will be sharing my experiences with you through my words and videos.

Please write your comments on my pages so we can all share together.

Please select the link underneath the message below to subscribe to my updates which will appear on Monday and Thursday mornings. Thank you.

Thursday 17 February 2011

News from Stateside

Hi everyone, I hope you are all having a great week. This week we have been meeting some wonderful people, truly inspiring, on our tour of the US. I'm extremely blessed to have these opportunities. I would like to thank everyone for their hospitality so far, and I am looking forward to the last few days left on this trip.

I'll be back in my home country next week with a report of all the things we have achieved on this trip, I hope that will both inform you and inspire you.

Next week we'll start on our journey together, I'll be writing in more depth, to help you each step of the way.

Have a great weekend - choose something special to do, or somewhere to visit, with a friend or a partner, and please enjoy yourself.

Best wishes,


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