A welcome from Tumi

Welcome to my pages, I am thrilled that you are here reading my pages. I hope to share a journey through life with you, to inspire and to guide you. I will be sharing my experiences with you through my words and videos.

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Monday 7 March 2011

Why are you here?

I hope you all had a great weekend, and that you feel rested and ready for the new week ahead. I hope you all did something special, either with a partner, a friend or even meeting someone new!
Why are you here? Today I would like to talk about our purpose in life. There has never been a more compelling time to commit to the process of finding your life’s purpose. For example, the kind of work that provides your reason for being and generates fulfilment. People all over the world are beginning to understand that our lives can and should be more than just a constant struggle for survival. It is possible to make a better world and you are part of it.
Too many people go through their entire lives never discovering their true purpose. Because of life’s circumstances, those inevitable “hard knocks” that everyone experiences, they forget their hopes, dreams and desires. Eventually those dreams become a distant memory, seemingly unrealistic and unattainable. But all that has happened is that they have allowed themselves to become blocked by their own set of limiting beliefs. They suppress their ability to express their unique and individual talents and passion.
Many people feel trapped, sometimes without even realising it. They feel they have to do things based on someone else’s standards or expectations, They key to reaping the rewards of the power of purpose is taking action to fulfil what you love and are passionate about doing.
It always involves an aspect of helping or enabling others.
When you’re fulfilling your purpose, success and fulfilment follows. Having a clear purpose for your life is like having a compass that guides you in the direction in which you want to go. It provides the passion and energy to enable you to achieve your goals. It is ultimately what provide you both with a sense of satisfaction in your life, and the material rewards that come with it. It is the overriding goal of your life, and is far greater than just yourself. It always involves an aspect of helping or enabling others.
The individual way you choose to fulfil your purpose can take many forms. For example, one person whose purpose is to help AIDS orphans in Africa could join an organisation that raises funds to fees these children. Another person whose purpose it is to help their elderly parents may choose to move home and live in a street close to them. Both people have the same purpose, but have different ways of expressing it.
No-one ever succeeds without a clear sense of purpose. Take a moment to think about some of the most successful people who ever lived: Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, and many others. What do they all have in common? They all have a clear and definite sense of purpose. Mother Teresa’s stated purpose was “to care for and comfort the poor, sick and needy all over the world”.
We’ll continue to talking about purpose and what it is very soon. For now, take a moment to think, if you had all the money in the world, what would you do without payment? And then think about what you are passionate about that can make a difference in other people’s lives or on this Planet.
What skills have you been given that you could use to impact on others, and what is really stopping you from starting to use them. Please think about this. If it helps, write it down. If you want, please share it with others in the comments box below. If it helps, write it in an email to me tumi@tumifrazier.com as I would love to help you reflect on this, before we continue on our journey together.
Have a great week, I’ll be back here on Thursday.
Best wishes,

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