A welcome from Tumi

Welcome to my pages, I am thrilled that you are here reading my pages. I hope to share a journey through life with you, to inspire and to guide you. I will be sharing my experiences with you through my words and videos.

Please write your comments on my pages so we can all share together.

Please select the link underneath the message below to subscribe to my updates which will appear on Monday and Thursday mornings. Thank you.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Most importantly - be You.

This week is the start of a new chapter in what we are trying to achieve for you in my organisation. The new team is coming together to plan our objectives for the rest of 2011. We’ll be looking at the strategy of how we are going to achieve that.
This year we want to spend more time helping you, which means sharing more of what we have with you through the most appropriate means for you. This will include more being available in different formats Online and some new publications. It also means more events around the world for you to come and share face to face with us. Next week we will tell you more about what we will be doing.
I also promised you a report of my recent US trip. I want to share with you all the amazing experiences that I had and tell you about the great people that I met and what they also have to offer you. So next week I’ll be reporting on that on these pages.
In my last few writings here on my website I have started laying the foundation of what you can do to change your life. This week I wanted to help you stop and pause for a moment. Please stop, and think about what we have shared so far. I also want to let you into a secret of mine. I believe in sometimes doing nothing!
When was the last time you too time off to just do nothing?
Too many events too often fill our days and leave us exhausted. Pause and take time to put expectations and schedules aside and just be still. It is in this stillness and empty space that life takes place, that true creativity is allowed to flourish, not in the planning, but in the repose.
Create a “Me” time at least once a week. This is the time when you focus on yourself and no one else. It is a time completely free of business and family related activities. You are not available to your clients, colleagues, boss, friends and family except in case of real emergencies.
You have to set clear boundaries for this time to occur. Stop rescuing people; you are of no good to anyone when depleted. This is your time to recharge.
This is Your time and Your moment…Live in this moment, at this time when life is taking place; not anywhere in the past or somewhere in the future. Ride the moment bravely, with passion and most importantly, be YOU.
This is Your time and Your moment…some of you will know the following words very well:
Take Time:
Take time to think – It is the source of all power.
Take time to read – it is the fountain of wisdom.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 (Holy Bible)
Best wishes, Tumi


  1. Hi Tumi

    Thanks for another inspiring post. I gave myself an evening off during the week, but still ended up doing 'stuff.' A timely reminder that sometimes we just need to switch off completely.

    Keep up the inspiring messages!


  2. Hi Cheryl, try to take this time off for yourself at least once every week. It can often take a while to get used to this new experience. Best wishes, Tumi.
