A welcome from Tumi

Welcome to my pages, I am thrilled that you are here reading my pages. I hope to share a journey through life with you, to inspire and to guide you. I will be sharing my experiences with you through my words and videos.

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Thursday 3 March 2011

What does success mean to you?

Today I would like to talk about how we define success for ourselves and how to start along the path of achieving it. To achieve success in life and rise above the majority, you need to develop qualities and disciplines that the average person lacks. These are special qualities and behaviours that are both observable and measurable. Although most people want to improve their circumstances, they are somehow unwilling to improve themselves. It is critical to realise that you do not attract that which you want, but that which you are.
What does success mean to you? Is it financial, spiritual, emotional, relational or physical? I would like to suggest that true success is a balance of all of these life areas. If you want to achieve great financial success for instance, chasing money is not the answer. Rather, it is becoming the kind of a person you have to become to attract and earn that money and most importantly, to keep it. Investors and customers look for specific qualities in your character before they will entrust you with their money or businesses no matter how good the idea is, they need to know they can trust the person with their money before they invest.
This applies to other areas of your life too, such as relationships and career. If you want to find the right man or woman, chances are if you are actively searching for love, you’ll end up with the wrong person. Instead, invest this time in yourself so as to become attractive to the man or woman of your dreams.
In the same way, if you want that dream job, success lies first and foremost in becoming the kind of employee that employers look for.
Please start to think about how to apply my first few writings in your own life. Please read again the previous postings. Next week we’ll start to look in more detail at what we feel is the purpose for our lives and also some specific areas that we can start to change. We’ll also look at what we understand self-esteem and self-worth to mean.
Please do write your comments below, I would love to have your feedback.
Have a great weekend.
Best wishes,

1 comment:

  1. Hello Tumi

    I like that you've stressed the importance of working on your inner self first. A lot of people, especially when it comes to relationships, spend so much time and energy thinking about or even writing lists of all the qualities and characteristics they want their new partner to have, but neglect to think about what they are actually going to be bringing to the relationship themselves.

    A great reminder that we need to start with ourselves first.

    Best wishes
